Religious Freedom & Government Overreach Attorney in Cheyenne, Wyoming

Religious Freedom Litigation - Vaccine and Legislative Infringements

For over four decades, civil rights litigator Robert T. Moxley has been defending individual freedoms in the courtrooms of Wyoming and other states. Nowhere has he distinguished himself more markedly than in the area of conscientious exemption from mandatory vaccination. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution offers broad protections to the religious freedoms of individuals, and the Fourteenth Amendment may also help protect the interest in personal autonomy which underlies the individualized choice to abstain from vaccination. Practicing from his law office in Cheyenne, Wyoming, vaccine exemption attorney Robert T. Moxley champions the rights of parents of minor children, health care workers, and others who object to mandatory vaccination.

Southeastern Wyoming Religious Liberties Attorney

Over the past decade, attorney Robert T. Moxley has tried some of the most significant religious freedom cases in the state of Wyoming's recent history.

  • In the 2001 case of COOPER V. STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH a class action lawsuit was filed to challenge the state regulation of religious exemption from childhood vaccinations. Attorney Moxley made a legal challenge to regulatory policies of the Wyoming Department of Health, which was requiring exemption applicants to provide an essay explaining their religious beliefs. When claims for exemption were denied, applicants could only go forward by being subjected to a "religious sincerity" hearing. The U.S. District Court in and for the District of Wyoming entered a consent decree whereby the standard for claiming religious exemption to vaccination was established to only require a statement under oath that exemption is sought on the basis of religious belief.

If the government is violating your rights, I will stand up for you on your behalf. Contact me for religious freedom litigation.

  • In another 2001 action, IN RE LEPAGE, civil attorney Robert Moxley appeared in the Wyoming Supreme Court on behalf of the first and only Wyoming resident subjected to a "religious sincerity" hearing after seeking vaccination exemption for her minor children. The Court ruled favorably for the client and held that this level of regulation by the Department of Health exceeded its statutory authority.
  • In the 2002 cases of Boone V. Boozman and McCarthy V. Boozman, the Eastern and Western federal Districts of Arkansas enjoined and set aside the Arkansas statutory scheme for religious exemption from childhood vaccinations as a condition to school admission, and ruled that the State could not "recognize" certain religions as a basis for exemption.